Sunday, April 3, 2011

Combat Mission Afghanistan

The Combat Mission turn-based military strategy games have mostly been about US military forces but this week the publisher of those games,, has released something a bit unique. It's Combat Mission Afghanistan and its the first game in the series that was development primarily for a Russian audience.
Title: Combat Mission: Afghanistan Demo
Author: Snowball
Created: 9/14/2010
Updated: 9/15/2010
Downloads: 6,065
Also known as: Combat Mission 5: Afghanistan

Plot :
Combat Mission Afghanistan is the first collaboration Between Battlefront and a third party studio to Create a completely new game in the Combat Mission series. CM Afghanistan is a standalone game and not an expansion, and does not require any of the other games to play!
CM Afghanistan covers two periods of the Russian-Afghan wars - the initial phase 1980-1982, and the later years of highest activity 1985-1987 - in two campaigns and additionally ten standalone missions. The fully featured editor will of course allow players to create all new custom maps and missions.

Features :
* Drozd Active Defense system (on T-55AD and T-62D; shoots down incoming RPGs)
* Multi-barreled rapid-fire cannon (e.g. ZSU-23 Shilka, Kamaz ZU-23)
* New terrain such as Snow (on the ground) and Water
* Exit Zones (a new type of objective)

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